Academic 正规的网赌平台

Career-focused degrees and certificates

布法罗大学拥有80多个热门课程和专业,为学生未来的职业生涯做好准备. 我们提供专为当今繁忙的学生设计的课程,包括完全在线, hybrid, accelerated, and continuing education and certificate programs.

Develop practical skills and make beneficial connections


Behavioral Science

Learn about the theories, researchers, and research findings related to how humans think and behave, and how we as a field try to describe, 解释, 预测, and influence human behavior and mental processes.

Practical education for a modern Business career

University of Bridgeport Ernest C. Trefz商学院是理论与实践相结合的地方,为学生的成功.

Dental Hygiene programs

Established in 1949 and accredited since 1953, 正规的网赌平台的丰斯口腔卫生学院是康涅狄格州和世界上第一所口腔卫生学院. 毕业生有资格参加国家、地区和国家考试.

Inspire and lead

正规的网赌平台教育学院是全国第一个带学费实习正规的网赌平台的所在地,培养的康涅狄格州教师比该州任何一所学校都多. UB与康涅狄格州和纽约州威彻斯特的60多个学区密切合作.

Prepare for the careers of tomorrow

正规的网赌平台工程学院提供跨学科的课程, 专业和全面的教育和研究机会,以工程多元化的社区, 科学, and the application and management of technology.

Become an in-demand healthcare professional

健康科学学院教育学生成为综合医学领域的领导者, evidence-based, patient-centered healthcare. 满足对高素质医疗保健专业人员的需求, 我们的健康科学学院提供了一个特殊的和多样化的本科生, Graduate, Graduate医疗保健正规的网赌平台积极促进医疗保健服务的发展, both locally and globally.

伊莱 and Modern Languages

Discover the English Language Institute, 我们完善的强化英语作为第二语言课程, as well as minors in modern languages.

Natural Science and Mathematics

Study the description, understanding and 预测ion of natural phenomena, based on empirical evidence from observation and experimentation.

Prepare for a lifelong career

护士,就其所在领域的性质而言,是领导者和终身学习者. 正规的网赌平台护理学院为所有开始或继续护理教育的人提供了一个令人兴奋的机会.

Expand your skill set

University of Bridgeport offers a wide variety of seminars, continuing education, 以及旨在帮助在职专业人士跟上最新概念的证书课程.

The best of both worlds

布法罗大学提供了许多专科或两年制大学学生通常无法获得的优势. 学生接受小型学院的所有个人指导和建议, 同时在一个主要的大学环境中完成他们的学业.

Prepare for a successful future

通过我们全面的学术课程探索机会的世界, diverse culture, and rich learning environment.

Advance your career

我们通过参与研究扩大你的专业可能性, exceptional career connections, and the very best resources available.

Achieve the next level of success

我们的博士学位课程在课程内容方面考虑到工作专业人员的需求, orientation, and program organization.

Prepare for a successful future

Your educational journey continues here! With a variety of programs to choose from, 我们有你需要追求一个充实和有益的未来. You are our focus, and your success is our top priority.

Advance your career


PostGraduate education

University of Bridgeport offers a wide variety of seminars, online education, 远程学习正规的网赌平台旨在帮助在职专业人员跟上专业培训的最新概念和进展.

College of Science and Society

正规的网赌平台的科学与社会学院是人文学科学位课程的所在地, fine arts, mathematics, natural science, behavioral science, applied science and modern languages.

College of Engineering, Business, and Education

The College of Engineering, Business, 正规的网赌平台提供全面的专业教育, education, and research opportunities to a diverse community in engineering, 科学, technology, computing, Business, management, entrepreneurship, 金融, analytics, accounting, education, teacher preparation, and educational administration.

College of Health Sciences

健康科学学院教育学生成为综合医学领域的领导者, evidence-based, patient-centered healthcare. 满足对高素质医疗保健专业人员的需求, 我们的健康科学学院提供了一个特殊的和多样化的本科生, Graduate, Graduate医疗保健正规的网赌平台积极促进医疗保健服务的发展, both locally and globally.

Join UB’s community of online learners

我们为在线学习的丰富历史和传统感到自豪. With a commitment to student success, 我们为当今繁忙的学生提供课程,包括本科生, Graduate and doctoral degree programs in a number of disciplines.

Maximum flexibility


Join the UB community

正规的网赌平台的主校区坐落在美丽的长岛海湾, 为学术追求和课外活动提供理想的环境. 有50多个活跃的学生俱乐部和组织,这很难 to be involved on campus.

Waterbury Center

University of Bridgeport’s Waterbury Center offers underGraduate, Graduate, and accelerated degree completion programs. Conveniently located near I-84, 课程安排在沃特伯里中心每周6天,贯穿全年.

Fast-track your career

我们的速成课程帮助学生在现有教育的基础上更进一步, 工作经验和生活成就来完成他们的教育目标.

Get a degree in CT



  • UB will help you plan your future
  • Choose your focus

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Accounting degree in CT


Bachelor’s degree

  • Measure, analyze, and interpret economic data
  • Many potential careers with competitive starting salaries

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Acupuncture degree in CT


Master’s degree

  • State-of-the-art clinical training facilities
  • Complete in a part- or full-time format

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Analytics degree in CT

Analytics and Systems

Master’s degree

  • Turn complex data into actionable insight
  • Build skills computing data for IT and Business
  • On-campus and online class options

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Artificial Intelligence degree in CT

Artificial Intelligence

Master’s degree

  • 商业智能、数据分析、客户行为预测、机器人等
  • Four areas of specialization

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生物学 degree in CT



  • 培养设计、执行实验和分析数据的技能
  • 准备医学预科课程或农业、教育、遗传学、动物学等方面的职业

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Biomedical Engineering degree in CT

Biomedical Engineering

Master’s degree

  • Learn how living things function
  • Four concentrations

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Business degree in CT

Business Administration

联系 degree, Bachelor’s degree, MBA degree

  • Become a problem-solver in a dynamic global Business environment
  • Small class sizes
  • On-campus and online class options

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Chinese Medicine degree in CT

Chinese Medicine

Master’s degrees, 博士 degree

  • Create an academic plan accommodating personal needs and goals
  • 中草药和针灸的综合培训

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Chiropractic degree in CT


博士 degree, PostGraduate programs

  • Promote wellness for your patients
  • Many local practice employment opportunities

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Computer Science and Engineering degrees in CT

Computer Science & Engineering

Bachelor’s degrees, Master’s degrees, 博士 degree

  • 正规的网赌平台 mathematical foundations and algorithmic principles
  • Model and design computer-based systems
  • On-campus and online class options

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Counseling degree in CT


Master’s degree

  • Inspire personal and intellectual growth
  • Complete in a part- or full-time format

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Criminal Justice degree in CT

Criminal Justice

Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree

  • Two areas of concentration
  • Explore human security on domestic and international levels

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Data Analytics degree in CT

Data Analytics

Bachelor’s degree

  • Develop analytical and critical thinking skills
  • Many potential careers with competitive starting salaries

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Dental Hygiene degree in CT

Dental Hygiene


  • Develop the skills to provide comprehensive care
  • State-of-the-art dental hygiene clinic

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Education Teacher Certification CAS in CT

Education Sixth Year programs


  • 六年制高等教育文凭,可获得国家认证

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EdD degree in CT

Educational Leadership Ed.D.

博士 degree

  • Specialization in International Education
  • Take courses online with 2 one-week in-person summer residencies
  • Hybrid class options

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Education programs in CT

Education master’s programs

Master’s degrees

  • Tuition-paid internship opportunities
  • 在线, on-campus, and hybrid classes

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Education minor in CT

Education minor

Combine with a bachelor’s degree

  • A seamless pathway into teacher preparation programs
  • 准备满足本科教师资格认证的先决条件

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Electrical Engineering degree in CT

Electrical Engineering

Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree

  • Accelerated program available
  • Develop your own concentration

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Modern language minors in CT

伊莱 & Modern Languages


  • Experienced teachers with advanced degrees
  • 辅修现代语言:阿拉伯语、汉语、法语、日语、韩语、俄语和西班牙语

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English and Professional Writing degree in CT

English and Professional Writing

Bachelor’s degree

  • Learn in-demand communication skills
  • Prepare for a great career in copywriting or content creation

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金融 degree in CT


Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree

  • Develop knowledge of financial management
  • Explore corporate 金融, banking, and investments

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General Studies degree in CT

General Studies

联系 degree, Bachelor’s degree

  • Six concentrations
  • Offered on the Bridgeport campus or Waterbury Center location
  • On-campus, online, and accelerated class options

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Health Science degrees in CT

Health Sciences

Bachelor’s degree, 博士 degree

  • BS program with four concentrations
  • 在线 DHSc program with three concentrations

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Health Science postgrad programs in CT

Health Sciences postGraduate programs

Continuing Education programs

  • Clinical training in a variety of fields
  • Conferences, workshops and CE courses

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Human Services degree in CT

Human Services

Bachelor’s degree

  • Offered on the Bridgeport campus or Waterbury Center location
  • 在线, on-campus, and accelerated classes

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Marketing degree in CT


Bachelor’s degree

  • Offered as a BS degree
  • Potential careers offer competitive starting salaries

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Math degree in CT


Bachelor’s degrees, Minor in Education

  • Offered as a BA or BS degree
  • Develop quantitative and analytical skills

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Mechanical Engineering degree in CT

Mechanical Engineering

Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree

  • Specialize in a technical area of interest
  • Cutting-edge tools and laboratories

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Medical Laboratory Science degree in CT

Medical Laboratory Science

Bachelor’s degree

  • Cutting-edge tools in our state-of-the-art labs
  • Potential careers offer competitive starting salaries

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音乐 degree in CT


Bachelor’s degree (BM), 音乐 Education (MS)

  • Experienced, talented, and dedicated faculty
  • Three concentrations to choose from within the BM program

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Two UB students earning a BSN degree in CT

护理 bachelor’s programs

Bachelor’s degrees

  • State-of-the-art nursing skills and simulation center
  • 在当地医院、学校和医疗办公室的临床工作机会
  • Traditional and accelerated options

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UB students earning an MSN degree in CT

护理 MSN

Master’s degree

  • Can be completed fully online
  • Dual focus on leadership and education

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营养 degree in CT


Master’s degree

  • Can be completed fully online
  • Engage in a unique Virtual Clinic capstone course

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PA degree in CT

Physician Assistant

Master’s degree

  • Dual emphasis on global health and preventative medicine
  • Experienced, diverse faculty, and small class sizes

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A UB pre-nursing student in CT


General education courses required for 护理 majors

  • Develop skills needed to enter the nursing program

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Psychology degree in CT


Bachelor’s degree

  • Offered on-campus or online
  • Accelerated option available

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MPH degree in CT

Public Health

Master’s degree

  • Available fully online
  • Six start dates a year
  • Scholarships available for those who qualify

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A UB student earning a BSN degree in CT


Bachelor’s degree

  • Available fully online
  • 90 transfer credits allowed from accredited institutions
  • Six start dates a year

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Sport Management degree in CT

Sport Management

Bachelor’s degree

  • Focus on ethics, 金融, event management, and psychology
  • 电子竞技集中为企业管理提供了一个基础,重点是技术, marketing and production of eSports

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Technology Management degree in CT

Technology Management

Master’s degree, 博士 degree

  • Identify and evaluate the impact of rapidly changing technology
  • Eight concentrations

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